Google Cloud Platform vs AWS for AI and Machine Learning

August 25, 2021

Google Cloud Platform vs AWS for AI and Machine Learning

Do you want to know whether Google Cloud Platform or AWS is the perfect choice for AI and Machine Learning? To help you find your footing, we’ve compared various aspects of Google Cloud Platform and AWS that are relevant to AI and Machine Learning. Keep reading to learn more!


When it comes to machines and virtual machines, AWS offers more options that can be more cost-efficient for companies that are developing AI and Machine Learning models. But, Google Cloud Platform has a better solution in case you need advanced services like TPUs.


AWS has Amazon SageMaker, which is a great solution for ML models; it also has language processing features like Amazon Comprehend and Amazon Translate. But, Google Cloud Platform is catching up with many essential ML tools like Speech-to-Text and Cloud Natural Language.


AWS and Google Cloud Platform have several options for training your models. Some of the popular ones are TensorFlow, PyTorch, and Apache MXNet that can work on both platforms. Google Cloud Platform has Google Colaboratory for interactive and free training sessions.


Both options offer pay-per-use services, so you don't have to make any huge upfront investments for processing power or storage. But, the prices for both platforms can vary depending on the kind of machine and services you prefer.


Although both Google Cloud Platform and AWS have great AI and Machine Learning solutions, The best option depends on your specific use case. AWS may be better for a variety of use cases while Google Cloud Platform might be ideal for NLP and deep learning.


  1. AWS for AI and ML
  2. Google Cloud AI

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